

Modern treatment of cystic fibrosis will be covered by VZP for children from the age of two

Kaftrio for the Treatment of Cystic Fibrosis will now be available to children as young as two. Until now, it has only been given to patients over six. The extension of the indication was approved at the end of last year by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). General Health Insurance Company of the Czech Republic (VZP ČR) is now, in agreement with the professional society, lowering the age limit for its clients in the Czech Republic. The extension of the indication criteria comes less than two years after VZP started to cover the medicine Kaftrio for children over six years of age after meeting the given conditions. VZP has been reimbursing the drug to patients over 12 years of age since June 2021.

15. 07. 2024

We published an article with other experts on neurofibromatosis

Dr. Veronika Krulišová contributed to the article (case report) together with other experts on the topic: Neurofibromatosis, type 1: orthopaedic treatment of pseudoarthrosis of the fibula in a Czech girl, which was published in the scientific journal Pohybové ústrojí (No. 2/2023).

On this issue's front page, you will find photographs from our molecular genetics laboratory GHC Genetics, accompanied by a short article, ANALYSIS OF DNA SAMPLES BY MASSIVE PARALLEL SEQUENCING, in the editorial section.

01. 07. 2024

Scientists identify new gene that could beat aging

Scientists may be one step closer to unlocking the secrets to anti-aging. They've found that boosting a gene we all possess can slow the rate at which our cells wear down. The Chinese academics stumbled on the find while studying the DNA of fruit flies, when they discovered a single insect gene determined whether they died young. They ran the gene through a human database and found a 93 percent match with a human gene, known as DIMT1.

18. 06. 2024

Tattoos may be a risk factor for malignant lymphoma

In the first large-scale study, tattooing increased the risk of malignant lymphoma by approximately 20% compared to not tattooing. Tattoo ink often contains carcinogens and causes an immunological reaction when applied to the skin. This study was a population-based study of cases and controls of all incident cases of malignant lymphoma in Swedish adults (aged 20-60 years) in the Swedish National Cancer Registry between 2007 and 2017 (n = 11,905). Tattoo exposure was assessed using a structured questionnaire in both cases and three age- and sex-matched random controls without lymphoma. The primary outcome was the ratio of the incidence of malignant lymphoma in tattooed and non-tattooed subjects.

10. 06. 2024

GHC Genetics now offers non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT)

GHC Genetics is now offering for pregnant women the non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT). This test detects the risk of chromosomal defects such as Down's, Patau's and Edwards syndromes with an accuracy greater than 99%. The test can be performed from the 9th week of pregnancy and the sample for analysis is obtained by venous blood collection in our outpatient clinic.

Because some of the fetus's genetic information (DNA) is released into the blood via the placenta, it is possible to reliably identify chromosomal abnormalities from the blood sample taken. This is a gentle and reliable way to obtain key information about your baby's genetic health.

30. 05. 2024