A set of microbiological tests for sexually transmitted diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infectious diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites or yeast. They are transmitted through bodily fluids, most commonly through sexual intercourse and various sexual practices. However, transmission can also occur, for example, through infected needles among drug users or from mother to fetus.
The first symptoms most often appear as some discomfort, discharge, rash or sores in the genital area or at the point of entry of the infection. Untreated sexually transmitted infections can cause serious health complications, cancer, infertility, affect the course of pregnancy or cause permanent damage to the fetus. The most common bacterial infections include gonorrhoea, syphilis, chlamydia, while viral infections include HIV (AIDS), human papillomavirus (HPV), herpes, hepatitis B, C and others.
Most sexually transmitted diseases are highly infectious, and although some may be asymptomatic for some time, they pose a significant risk not only to the infected person but also to their intimate contacts. Risky sexual behaviour and promiscuity are the main reasons behind the increase in STDs. A major risk is posed by asymptomatic individuals who may not know they have the disease, yet spread it further. It is therefore essential that particular care be taken to prevent the infection and behave responsibly or to get tested regularly. The tests are suitable for all sexually active people, especially those with risky behaviour or contacts, even if they have no symptoms of the disease. All tests can be performed anonymously.