

This year marks 70 years since the discovery of the structure of DNA

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the basic building block of life on our planet and the carrier of the hereditary characteristics of all living organisms. There is no doubt that the discovery of its double-helix structure by Francis Crick and James Watson 70 years ago, presented in April 1953, was one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs of the 20th century, transforming many other fields and leading to other important discoveries and projects, such as the mapping of the entire human genome, which was completed in 2022. Let us recall the path that led to the discovery of the structure of DNA.

22. 11. 2023

GHC Genetics is a general partner of the DOBA GENOVÁ exhibition

GHC Genetics has become a general partner of the travelling exhibition "DOBA GENOVÁ", organised by Asgent and other professional institutions. The purpose of the exhibition is to present the mysteries of DNA and human genetics in a simple and entertaining way in relation to rare genetic diseases, their diagnosis and possible treatment. GHC Genetics has provided copies of unique documents relating to the discovery of the structure of DNA made 70 years ago.

17. 10. 2023

COUNT YOUR STEPS with GHC Genetics and do something for your health!

12. 09. 2023

We joined forces with paramedic Marek

Since April, we have established a long-term and significant cooperation with Marek Dvořák. Marek is not only an influencer but also a paramedic who shares moments from this demanding but meritorious profession on his instagram account, where you can find him under the name @dvorak155.

12. 09. 2023